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June 25, 2013

Happy Happenings

{tanning and bubblegum}

Time is a tricky thing, "an illusion" like the great Abert Einstein once said.  One moment you feel like you are waiting (as patiently as possible) for what feels like an eternity for a certain event or happening and then what seems like overnight, or in the blink of an eye, time speeds up, days fast forward and everything you have been waiting for turns into memories and journal entries.  This past year, I have had so much to look forward to and get excited for that it feels like my whole life has been set in fast forward.  Just the other day, I had to stop everything that I was doing and just take a moment to take it all in.  I needed a few minutes to realize that it is once again summer, something that I look forward to from September until April.  To realize how far I have come in just a year, how much I have changed, and how happy I am.  To realize that I have survived many things that I never thought I could have and I have come out far stronger than I ever thought was imaginable.  I also came to the realization that I need more moments like this.  I need to make time last.  Take everything in. Because before you know it, all you have left are memories.  These are a few memories that flew by but still continue to make me happy.
{blue nails and blue skies}
{reading in the shade}
{baking cupcakes for birthdays}
{vintage mixed china}


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