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February 29, 2012

Wrist of Glitz

This stunning costume piece was given to my mother from her very fashionable aunt.  It dates back to the 1940’s when glitz jewellery was really popular and is made up of round and emerald cut rhinestones.  Luckily for my mom, the bracelet is too big on me so she doesn’t need to worry about it being borrowed for an extended amount of time once I move.

February 28, 2012

Victoria Fashion Scene

Forever 21 hat, H&M sweater and jean jacket,
Vintage dress, Coach bag, Decade ring,
Jacob nylons, Shoes from New York

During my photography class, the charming Mario Szabo, asked to take my picture.  He has a wonderful blog that captures Victoria’s street fashion and I was lucky enough to meet him just days before I move.  I snatched the pictures from him but you can view the rest of his blog here.

February 22, 2012

Renewed Bliss

My already lovely work, Bliss Boutique, got a make-over!  As if it isn’t already hard enough to leave, I am now going to have to tear myself away from this beautiful space.  Since I don’t want to spoil the surprise of the complete renovation, here are a few of my favourite details.

{mini terrariums}

{letterpress drawer jewellery display}

{decanter chandelier}

{picture frame necklace displays}

{antique drawers that display necklaces}

{planter made from an old book}

February 21, 2012

Two-Toned Teal

I came across this idea on Pinterest (of course) and it was a really simple way to get my nails ready for tonight’s Fashion Swap.  All you need is two different kinds of nail polish (I chose teal and my matte), masking tape and craft scissors. Super straight forward and I was finished in less than a half an hour.

{paint nails and let dry}

{cut tape and stick to nail}

{paint with selected colour}

{et voila}

February 20, 2012

Happy Happenings

{cinnamon cupcakes- my boyfriends favourite}

So far, this week has gotten off to a great start!  My boyfriend and I spent the day visiting a few thrift stores in hopes of finding some things to put in our new apartment.  It was a relaxing start to my rather hectic week.  Tomorrow I am working the Fashion Swap, followed by the grand opening of our newly redecorated store on Wednesday, then I have a photography class on Saturday and we are hopefully ending the week off with a ski trip on Sunday; one last mini vacation before the big move.

{i am loving the fabrics of my new vintage dresses}
{80's patterns from my boyfriends mom}
{could not resist making my
valentine a cheesy yet cute card}

February 15, 2012

Melted Rainbow

When it comes to artwork, I would much rather make it than buy it and lately I have been on the hunt for inspiration for pieces to make for my new apartment.  My friend, Sarah, posted a picture of a piece that she made using melted crayons and I decided to give it a try.  The result was a very abstract piece that did not take too long to make and it was a lot of fun manipulating the wax with the heat to get different effects.

{supplies: multiple boxes of crayons,
 canvas, glue gun and hairdryer}

{align crayons along edge of canvas
to see how many you need to use}

{glue the crayons along the top of the canvas}

{stand canvas upright and melt
crayons with the hairdryer}

{et voila}

February 14, 2012

So Much Love to go Around

I am one of those people who believe that everyday should be filled with love, with a little extra on Valentine’s Days.  All of the love filled energy, red roses, boxes of chocolate, home-made cards, shades of red and pink and the love struck men trying to impress their ladies has made February 14th one of my favourite holiday’s.  Happy Valentine’s Day!

February 13, 2012

Happy Happenings

{brunch at my new favourite breakfast bistro}

My schedule has become rather jam packed for the next two weeks. Filled with preparing to move, a few birthday parties, renovating the boutique I work at, spending time with friends who I will miss deeply and a photography class that I am really excited for.  For the past two Friday’s, my Mother, Grandmother and I have found the perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life; lunch and a day filled with shopping.  Spending well needed, quality time with them really does the trick and I look forward to the last few Friday’s that I get to share with them.

{inspiration for an art project}
{special little gift from my boyfriends parents}

{matte top coat}

February 10, 2012

Valentine's Sugar Cookies

If I had to choose a favourite holiday, (which would be very tricky for me considering I pretty much love them all) it would have to be Valentine’s Day.  When I was little, I loved giving out cards and candy to all my friends and I loved receiving cards and candy even more.  Now that I am older, I still carry on the tradition of mini Valentine’s Day gifts and this year I decided on cookies.  I used the same recipe from this post and I finished them off with some royal icing and decorative pearls.  My family and friends loved the cookies so much that I may need to bake another batch before Valentine's Day.

February 08, 2012

I am Pinned

Pintrest has now become my new addiction.  I have wasted far too many hours on this site and I have only had it for about a day.  I still haven’t quite gotten the hang of it yet, not to mention I had to get a Twitter account since I refuse to change to the Facebook Timeline, but it is all worth it because I know Pintrest will become an amazing source of inspiration for style, DIY, baking and home decorating tips.  Here are a few that I have already fallen in love with.

February 07, 2012

Dream Decorations

{light bulb vases}

With the move approaching surprisingly fast, I have been looking for things to decorate my place.  I love DIY projects and I don’t really want to spend tons of money on decorations, so I have been browsing through my all time favourite site.  Here are a few projects that I adore and plan on doing throughout the next couple months, with the help of my boyfriend of course.  Now I just need to figure out where to find two vintage televisions.

{rope vases}
{vintage tv dvd case}
{plywood bookcase}
{vintage tv bar}