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November 15, 2011

Crazy for Coco

As much as I love my job, working at a boutique does have one downside.  The slow period, where you have nothing to do and zero customers due to either the weather, the season or just the day.  Usually, these slow periods do not last too long and tend to speed up when I am just about to teeter over the edge with boredom.  But as the days grow longer and shorter, these periods seem to be coming more frequently.  With this, I planned a counter attack, Operation Death to Boredom, to save myself from mindless internet games and watching people try to fit into ridiculous parking spots on the street.  My plan of attack started with reading a magazine, which fought off the boredom fearlessly for a few weeks, but as days passed, its resources grew weaker and boredom would not back down.  This time I decided to pull out the big guns and I took a trip to Chapters.  After spending quite some time in the Fashion section trying to make a decision on which book to purchase, I finally decided on Coco Chanel, The Legend and the Life by Justine Picardie.  (I made a list of the many other books that I wish to read in the near future and sent it off to my mom in hopes of a few Christmas presents).  I set up fort in front of the fireplace in a big vintage chair and battle 2 of Operation D2B commenced.  This book turned out to be just what I needed, the nuclear weapon in my boredom world.  It has knocked boring right out of my vocabulary and it spun me wildly into the world of the marvelous Coco Chanel.  It goes into great detail about what went on in her eccentric mind and her mysterious life that led her into money, heartbreak and fame.  The book is filled with rare photographs, interviews and stories that will make you feel like you were once apart the fashion legends life.  I highly recommend this book to any one who loves Chanel, fashion or even just a good read.


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